Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Gouda Goddess

It is not often (okay not ever so far) that I refer to myself as a Goddess. If you know me you totally get this without explanation.  For those of you who don't know me personally here is my reality. I am a complete and utter fashion nightmare. I always choose function over fashion and comfort over looking nice.  My 4-year old can out dress me for crying out loud and meanwhile you will generally find me in jeans, sweatpants or running clothes conservatively I would say 99% of the time.  Some people don't even recognize me when I go out into public in other attire.

My body is anything, but perfect; First of all I am 37 which is probably explanation enough for not being a goddess.  However, I have also had three kids, brain surgery and not so much as a smidge of plastic surgery so my body is just not so pretty. And I am not really on the same level as any of the Greek Goddesses or the likes.   I realize this and I accept it and I am not complaining.  I am healthy and happy which is what counts. Praise the Lord!  But I am no Goddess.

But in this particular instance, I am making an exception because I am totally a self-proclaimed Gouda Goddess!  I have perfected the art of adding Gouda to anything capable of carrying the delicacy to my mouth and gobbling it up in record time!  I love Gouda cheese.  My family has been the major benefactor of this recently improving skill set as I have been creating all kinds of interesting things the past week or so.  This recent development was inspired by my mother-in-law.  She wrapped gouda in crescent rolls with her home-made mustard at our Christmas gathering and it was so darn delicious that I have been dreaming about it since.  Seriously dreaming about it.  So I have been buying the stuff like it is going out of style and trying to create the perfect gouda recipes. 

And I have rationalized this cheese spending frenzy in my mind as being acceptable during the rest of the challenge. I have justified it by labeling it as "milk" which was allowable according to the original terms of my grocery shopping challenge.  So far the stuff imported from the Netherlands is the absolute best.  And smoked gouda is in a league of its own!

Other than that not much happening in our little world.  My sister did sign us up for our annual fruit of the month club at Christmas time so we have had fresh grapefruit, oranges and plums the past two months which is AWESOME and definitely noteworthy.  Thanks to the VanKotens for this special gift.  Now if only you guys could make some authentic Gouda (you know since Ivar is from the Netherlands and all) and sign us up for that club, life would be absolutely perfect!

Vern Out

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