Friday, December 6, 2013

Maybe I will quit

So here's the thing, this week has been absolutely horrible and this little grocery challenge has been the last thing on my mind. Despite my preoccupation with other things (which you will hear about soon), I have stuck to the challenge, but not necessarily because I was such a goody two shoes. It was more because I have been too busy to go to a store.  Oh yeah and I have been in quarantine. 

Here is how it all went down.  And seriously, it's been one of the worst weeks in a very long time so your prayers for me and my family would be appreciated.  The week started out fine; Monday and Tuesday were completely normal. Hazel and I did all the normal stuff: We ran; we went to the library; we visited Grandma at her office; and we went to the consignment shop in search of the rare snowflake outfit for Kara's Christmas Program next week.  We even found the perfect dress!  Even into Wednesday things seemed fine. During the day, everything was normal and I was beaming with excitement for my date that night with my son.  However, just over an hour into the special mommy and me date, the sh*t hit the fan.  Literally.   As I sat at a table at McDonalds about to enjoy our happy meals, Aven suddenly announced he was going to puke and worse yet he did three times on the way to the bathroom.  I guess they weren't so "happy" afterall.  We cleaned up and quickly exited the fast food establishment and returned home to learn that Kara also did not feel good.  Within two hours time, all three kids were puking...a lot.

All three kids contracted the stomach flu.  My husband, in all of his infinite food sanitarian wisdom, is convinced it was caused by the norovirus. I dont know the cause, but I do know the result is that I had diarrhea and vomit to clean up for the past 48  hours like never before which is actually somewhat surprising that in four years we have never had all three kids sick at the same time.   I still have two kids at home today recovering and I feel like all I have done for the past forty eight hours is clean up bodily fluids and sit and snuggle with sick kids.  Anyhow, I am optimistic that I may have avoided contracting this bug, but I am still a little nervous that I will be the next one spending time with the porcelain God.  Either way, sick or healthy, I won't be grocery shopping any time soon!

Vern Out

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