Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The food inspector

As a child I never really liked to eat out. It was nothing personal, I just didn't like the idea of other people preparing my food, or heaven forbid touching my food. Gross.  I always wanted to know what was going into my food so eating out totally grossed me out.  Flash forward to the present day and I find myself married to the food inspector. God really does have a sense of humor!

Yes, for years, I politely declined invitations to eat ANYWHERE other than homes of trusted friends. Oh and back then I was a picky eater so even at dear friend's homes I didn't eat a lot of interesting things.  I wasn't the least bit adventurous in my eating habits.  Yes I kept it basic.  So it is shocking and totally out of character, that I totally ordered this for my dinner the other night. Check it out!

Yes this is an entire GD trout. Eyeball and all, scales and fins, slime and shine and all things fishy! I feared for my life. I almost packed up and left, but I was with childhood friends celebrating a birthday so I decided to stick it out!

It was actually delicious, but it was hard to get past the eyeball....so I took my leftovers (which was roughly11/12ths of the trout) home to what I thought would be my grateful husband-the food inspector (because he loves seafood)- (more on this later) however he said, "I dont really care for trout!".

I did my best to eat it, but it 'Twas hard to get past the damn eyeball...

The best part of the evening was reminiscing with two dear childhood friends who are both more like sisters than friends.  We talked about the good old days for hours!  By the way, the good old days were filled with:  the cabin, harness horse racing, Carmen San Diego DOS version, the woods, Barbies and the Rockers, Fragle Rock, Wheel of Fortune (Yes it was on a floppy disk!) and countless other fun-filled adventures. Come to think of it, these ladies are probably responsible to this day for my love of ADVENTURE and the Wheel with Pat and Vanna!

Anyhow life married to the handsome food inspector is somewhat better especially when it comes to eating out. He always knows which restaurants to avoid and which ones are following the rules!  It only sucks when your favorite restaurant doesn't follow the rules. In fact, there is an entire hysterical episode of Friends dedicated to this very phenomenon. Click this for some fun Food Inspector Episode. The only times I get irritated married to the food inspector is when he tries to tell me how to cook dinner, or he complains about food not being reheated to a high enough temperature to prevent food poisoning.  Oh and there was that one time when he told me, "It is okay to eat the 11 year old halibut because it has been in the freezer the entire time!"  Other than that he is pretty awesome!

PS I have new life in my mission to empty Chester. Other than this night out for dinner, I have been cooking all kinds of things up out of the pantry and good old Chester!

Vern Out   

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